Viamatic foXpose downloaded 4000 times in 5 days

When we started making the Viamatic Tabnail extension we thought it would be the one which would be downloaded more. It has a very original design and I still feel it is a better extension than foXpose. The funny part is that it took a few weeks to get the final design of foXpose ready. Initially we started out with a sidebar extension, then we switched over to another design. After trying out many combinations we finally settled in for the canvas inside the tab. It might seem easy to make but getting the design right was a real headache. We first got rid of the image and replaced it with teh canvas. But this design had a flaw, how would you know if the page has loaded. So we had to keep both the image as well as the canvas. The second thing was as the number of tabs increased it would be impossible to show the canvas. That was another design challange. All this seems like smart talk now but all I can say is that it was a really good effort that went into designing the Tabnail extension and in the end it will sure rule. But till that time the suprise extension has to be foXpose.

Viamatic foXpose was the exact opposite of tabnail. It was made in a few hours time. Though the thought was there but in front of tabnail I did not see why anybody would want this extension. But I still went forward and made it when I was a little free time. But somehow it is surprising that people found foXpose better than tabnail. And for that the only reason I feel that could happen is the name. The name foXpose seems to say it all.

For Tabnail we first called it Thumb Tab which somehow sucked. I know Tabnail also sucked but the good thing about Tabnail is that if you searched on google there was not even a single site. So in a way the name was unique. In the end I guess Tabnail will have people going really loving it i.e. once they start using it.

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Unknown said…
I checked out both tabnail and foxpose, and out of the two I seriously prefer foxpose.

Even if its by accident, you created a sure-fire winner: its a non-obstrusive component that can be summoned with just a little click, doesn't distort Firefox's dimensions (tabnail *really* messes up tabs), and has a nice interface.

There are still some things that could make it better, like options to set how big you want each thumbnail to be, or updating the thumbnails in real time as the associated page loads, but even without those features I'd still use Foxpose.

Its also great for surfing porn, but that's another matter entirely.
JoeC said…
I have not tried Tabnail, but from the screen shots I can tell that foXspose is less intrusive. To me, screen realestate is very important. With Tabnail you loose both vertical page realestate and horizontal tab bar realestate.

I agree, foXpose has a really good name. Tabnail is more descriptive, but the name doesn't stand out among all the other tab related extensions. But I don't think that is the main reason it is more popular.

I think you should update the screenshot of foXspose at Moz Update, it includes the tabs from Tabnail and almost convinced me not to give it a try assuming they were a feature of foXspose.

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