XUL & AJAX a match made to last

I have talked about it earlier but never got the time to make it happen. In the next few days I will start the project once I launch dotbeta. I had worked on a site eastern serenity around 2 years ago. We had implemented a shopping cart a lot of other things from scratch. But in todays context the site is a little dated. It uses tables and it is not very well optimised for SEO. I will try to convert it into a table less website and also lets see how far my SEO tip and tricks work on that site. Currently it has a PR of 4. The site has a lot of very good content but very bad SEO. Lets see how far I go on with this project.

That is one part of the project, the other part is to convert the admin area into XUL based web application. It would be a showcase of how a web application can be converted to XUL and why it is productive. I will setup a domain where you could play around with the sample admin area completely developed using XUL and AJAX. Stay tuned using the Atom Feed

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Anonymous said…
the link should be http://dotbeta.com...
VJ said…
Guess I posted this story in a hurry :) without proof reading it. Thanks for pointing it out. Besides it was 3:30 AM in the morning and I was a little sleepy.
Anonymous said…
Man, we would be so lucky if your genius is reapplied, we transitioned to a weak off the shelf shopping cart and its driving us crazy. We miss you and Ananth! We can arrange a stipend!

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