Invitations for Joost beta

Earlier The Venice Project™ and its Joost™. Imagine having infinite choice, and TV that is truly interactive. TV anywhere, anytime. Thats what it says on the website. I have two invites and if you are looking for an invite leave a comment and I will send it across. Personally I have been unable to use it 'cause of my slow internet connection these days.

I will try and post a how it is once I try it out. Till then if you are looking for an invite just leave a comment.

UPDATE: I only had two and have given them out.

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Anonymous said…
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VJ said…
Sent if you want I can delete this comment as you have your email address in the comment.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the invite mate:) Do as you like with the comment
Unknown said…
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Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
VJ said…
Sorry just had two invites, if I get any more I will send them across. H I will delete the comment as you have your email address in plain text.
tbi said…
pls pick me. i want a joost invitation.
Anonymous said…
hallo, i ben bas en ben opzoek naar
een joost uitnodiging, mij email adres is
of bctouw[at]planet[dot]nl

hopelijk je er eentje voor me of anders een url waar ik terecht kan.

groetjes bas.
Anonymous said…
I would appreciate an invite for Joost Beta !

My email perraju at gmail dot com
jo said…
I would like an invitation for Joost.
thank you.

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