Trying out this cool new service Jaxtr

I just added a new widget on my blog which lets you call me or SMS me from the widget. It seems like a really neat concept. Not sure how they plan to survive in the long run but hey who's complaining I am getting free long distance calls from anywhere on earth.

If you really feel that you need to talk to me you can use it. I really don't see why you want that but hey who am I to judge you. Also you can leave me a SMS incase you don't plan to call or I am not talking the calls.

To try it out just click "Call me for free!" and put in your number. You will get a call on your number and the moment you get the call I will also get a call on my number. I really see the potential of this being used for all the wrong reasons :) But till I don't get too many annoying calls I will keep the widget up. And once thats over lets see.


Anonymous said…
This widget needs to show your local time, because I have no idea what time is it in India at the moment... otherwise very cool idea!
Unknown said…
I tried this service, but it didnt work for me. I just signed up in jaxtr and tried calling to my own home number, but it goes to the voicemail box. am i doing anything wrong?? Can u tell me how it works??
VJ said…
All calls will be directed to the voicemail box unless you specify that the user you are talking to is your friend. This takes care of the annoying crank calls. If you want to override this and talk to complete strangers goto and make sure that "Privacy Shield: Receive calls only from people I approve" is unchecked. If you do that all calls will pass through and you might have people calling you in the middle of the night, so be sure about this setting.
buzznaveen said…
Hi Vivek,

Thanks for the reply. It worked for me. But i could call from a number only once. Say for instance my no. is 12345 and the reciepient no. is 99999. I can call the the recipient from 12345 only once. After the call ends it says "Sorry we cannot complete this request because we do not have local numbers in India". Is there any hack for it or am i doing anything wrong??
VJ said…
Guess it tracks the IP address + Phone number. If you try the number again from a different IP it might work though am not really sure. Will have to try it out.

But yeah! it also worked for me only once per number.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the reply. It worked for me. But i could call from a number only once. Say for instance my no. is 12345 and the reciepient no. is 99999. I can call the the recipient from 12345 only once. After the call ends it says "Sorry we cannot complete this request because we do not have local numbers in India". Is there any hack for it or am i doing anything wrong??

plzzzzzzzzz reply me at
plzzzzzz im w8in 4 ur reply yaar
VJ said…
I've stopped using it, it just does not work for me. It worked for a while but it no longer seems to work for me anymore.

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