Welcome or Taare Zameen Par

I am not really a movie buff but after sitting and watching two movies over the week, it was more than necessary to write about it. The first movie I saw was "Taare Zameen Par" and the second was Welcome. Both are bollywood movies but both were the exact opposite of each other. I enjoyed watching Taare Zameen Par 'cause of the way the story was and also the music was pleasing. The second movie Welcome was a train wreak at best. It was a torture to watch that pathetic movie, and it just made me question if I had lost my sense of humor. Many people seemed to enjoy the movie but I felt it was completely mindless. Not that I was looking for something earth shattering the whole movie made little or no sense.

There was hardly any plot to speak of. It was like stringing half a dozen unfunny situations together and presenting it as a movie. I have watched a few movies over the last few months that really make me question my sense of humor. Have I really lost it, or are these movie really just beyond senseless.


Anonymous said…
Yup you have lost it! Having seen the trailors you should have guessed the storyline (or the absence of it).
VJ said…
Yeah! I knew it was mindless but never thought it would be torture. I just watched Sunday it was mindless but I found it funny.

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