Finally laid my hands on the Asus EEE PC

I got to lay my hands on an Asus EEE PC. Its tiny and surprisingly usable. The boot up speed is awesome to say the least. The default Linux installation seems and feels really basic.

The keyboard feels a little cramped at first but one can easily get used to it. The screen is bright and readable. Its really light and you have to see one to believe how small it is. The integrated webcam really works well.


Dervish said…
Congratulations. You had been waiting for that one for a long time now!!

How are the driving lessons coming along??
VJ said…
I still have to buy mine. I was able to use a friends laptop for a while.

As for the lessons I still have to start with it :)
pavan said…
how much did it cost?
VJ said…
it was 17K
Anonymous said…
Hmm.. 17 is atleast 1.5-2k more than a device like that should have ideally costed.

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