Keeping up with the fitness regime

After finally deciding to do something about by increasing waistline I have been able to control a lot and in the last 3 months have got back into shape. Thought I am a long way from reaching my goal I am a lot better than I was just a few months back. I had no idea I would be able to get things under control and surprisingly I am surprised at my devotion.

I started by walking everyday for a good 3-4 Kms and recently I joined the gym. I have a lot more energy and stamina. The best part is that I wake up at 5:30 in the morning and thats something I have been trying to achieve for a while.

The last week was really hectic in every possible sense with just a few hours of sleep every night. I was trying to handle so many diverse things at once. I finally started learning how to drive :), I somehow could never get the reason to learn driving but I guess its time.

Most of my day is jam packed and I like it. I hardly have time to do anything else. Thought the only problem I have faced is that I have been unable to continue with my python lessons. I have tried different things but thats more of a hit and trial and I would like to understand how things really work in python land.

The week while looking for python libraries I stumbled back on lua. I had used it a few years back and it also seems to have matured. I like the fact that the runtime is still tiny compared to python but it cannot be used a replacement for python, at least as of now.


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