Activate GPRS of PrePaid Airtel Punjab

I hate calling up the Airtel customer care and I try to find a solution online if I can. I've found two solutions to my problem but none of them seem to be working so I will have to call and spend the next half hour to get this information from a customer care executive.

Anyhow these are the solutions I've found online.

1) Rs. 20 per day send GPRS to 56789
2) Rs. 75 per week send GPRS7 to 56789
3) Rs. 15 per day send GPRSACT to 511 to deactivate this service send GPRSDEACT to 511
4) Write MO and send to 52696 to activate n DMO @ same no. for de-activation

I've tried all the solutions but without results. Let me know if you have a better way. Anyhow I better start calling, its going to take a while to get through.

UPDATE: Anyhow I called them up and this is what I got.

1) SMS NOP to 52696 to activate the service.
2) SMS NOP to 52567 to get the settings
3) SMS DNOP to 52696 to deactivate the service.
4) Call 121443 and you will directly talk to the customer care executive without going through the confusing menu.


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