Being a social roamer

In the last few years I have moved from Slashdot --> Digg/Reddit --> Techmeme --> Twitter/FriendFeed. The transition has been gradual in most cases. Hardly a day went by when I would not visit Slashdot at least 2-3 times a day. Going through the top stories seemed to be so exhilarating. And coming back to today I hardly ever visit Slashdot. I have the RSS feed on my feed readers but its mostly marked as read. I read the FML feed more than the Slashdot feed.

Then around early 2005 I got hooked onto Digg, it lasted till 2007 and then out of the blue I stopped visiting the site. Mostly because the whole content shifted from being Technical to being just another news site. Now I hardly ever visit Digg. Having a Digg RSS feed had never made sense due to the sheer volume of the stories. Now Digg seems to have gone main stream and I've lost all interest in it.

Around the time I got hooked onto Digg I was also looking into Reddit. Initially I did not like Reddit. It seemed too simplistic. And I guess that has worked in its favor. Even though Reddit has also turned into a full news site but its still focused a lot on Technology and that is one reason why every other day I make sure to skim the latest Tech headlines from Reddit.

Techmeme is another site I did not like on the first look. It just seemed too simple. That seems to have worked in its favor. If I ever want to look at the latest Tech news I can have quick glance at Techmeme and I get all the latest info. Though lately it seems like a Techcrunch RSS feed.

Last but not least are twitter and friendfeed. I don't twitter all that much but if I want the breaking news these two sites seem to be the first to get it. Twitter gets the headlines but friendfeed also gets the other details.


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