Down and out with Flu

Its been one exciting month. Travelling meeting up with people. I have been able to experience quite a lot over the course of the month. All went well till I got pulled down by the flu. Its been 3 days since I got back from the trip and I've not stepped out of my place, except to go visit the doctor.

And to top it all I've not even been online. Just sitting in front of the computer for more than a few minutes is enough to get a headache. I just realized that I've again started neglecting the blog. Hopefully a better post with all the topics in my head will be out soon.

There is so much to write. My first car, trip to Scandinavia and meeting up with a few interesting people. Not sure when or if I want to write about it. Plus I also need to write about my often neglected projects :)

Till next time and hopefully in better health.


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