fefoo on the blogsphere this month
Its been one month since the launch of fefoo.com. Initially there was hardly any response. Then in the last 2 weeks it was featured on a few blogs in France and Italy and there was a huge inflow of people. That lasted for a week and now things are again cooling down. Initially no one understood the reason for using fefoo. But, once it was on a few famous blogs there were quite a few people who seemed interested and the traffic surged. Thanks to all these people who featured fefoo on their blogs. The list is in no particular order.
Thank you for your support. In case I missed your blog post please add it in the comments.
- FeFoo, a Fun New Way to Search the Web
- FeFoo Search – put your Firefox search box on steroids
- Fefoo, Google 2.0
- Fefoo, moteur de recherche tout-en-un
- Introducing fefoo, search made simple!
- Firefox awesome bar made even more awesomer with fefoo
- Fefoo multi search engine - Phil Bradley's weblog
- fefoo – not another search engine « (the) health informaticist
- fefoo – Best Multi Search Engine Tool
- fefoo - by Alan
- fefoo, 19 合一搜尋引擎
- Ricerche veloci e rapide con Fefoo
- Fefoo : le méta moteur complet
- Otro multibuscador para tenerlos todos a mano
- fefoo - knownbodies
- More Command-line for the Web with fefoo
Thank you for your support. In case I missed your blog post please add it in the comments.